Sunday, January 29, 2006
So, my dad and I decided to move back to our old house... you may be wondering why would we move if we had a house... well, it's a long story and I'd probably bore you with it... so my dad talked today to my aunt so that she could fix a few things before we went back. I told this to one of my best friends on the whole world, my cousin C., she told me that if we went back we would have some trouble with my brother A.
After brunch at my aunt's house, as we were walking out the door, my aunt told me exactly the same thing that C. told me... QUOTE: "I think it's a great idea... but you should talk to your dad about A. If you move back there you'll have problems with him..." I know that both my aunt and C. are right, and that we WILL have trouble with my brother, but I also know that they got my back in case anything serious happens.
To be honest, I was kinda excited about moving back.. I'd be in my old room, at my old house and to me that's great... but after hearing C. and my aunt, I'm kinda on the fence about it... so if we move back we'll have trouble, but hey, c'est la vie, non???
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I'm at the Fifth Level of Hell!!! I expected that...
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Moderate |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Extreme |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very High |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Give it a few days...
College started again last thursday, so that means that i've been going to classes for less than a week now, and it's not going as i expected. Someone that i don't like at all is still on the same class with me, but i guess i have to put up with her since she's friends with one of my best friends... I really don't like her, but now i know that she's not going anywhere, at least for a while
The weather has been crazy here, so now i'm getting a cold, i got soaked today because it was raining, i couldn't pay to take last year's finals again so that means i may have to take those courses again, and to top it all off, I was late for Photography class today... it was supossed to be from 3 to 5, but the prof. changed it to 2 to 4 so i was an hour late, which totally sucks since i love that class, but whatever...
I really don't know how to label her, but my "ex" told me to go out with her on friday night, but i don't know what to do: either i go out with her and listen to her go on and on about her life or whatever, or i could also go, have a good time and wake up the next day with the mother of all hangovers to remind me where I've been or i could just tell her that I'm sick or that i have another place to be or that I'm expecting the mailman or something ridiculous like that to get out of going out with her... i don't know, i still have to figure out what to do
And talking bout pink elephants, one of my best friends (maybe my "bestest" friend) got his new car on saturday... I'm really happy for him because i knew how much he wanted his own car given that public transportation SUCKS, so that's good... it's even good for me since now i have someone to give me a ride home after classes... LOL
Anyway, i don't think this was very interesting, but I'll give it a few days so that I can have something else to write about...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Hey everybody!!! You should really take this test... it's pretty good...
I beat the monkey by 20 points.
Trivia Quiz at
Sunday, January 15, 2006
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

I really liked Tilda Swinton's role as The White Witch, I think no one could've done a better job at portraying her, her cold, evil gaze could really freeze anyone... she was magnificent, and also Liam Neeson cast as Aslan. The lion Aslan captures your attention in every scene he appears in and as the story unfolds he becomes as human-like as the children.
I really liked the fact that they stuck to the book for the plot... I guess that was the whole point of doing a movie about it, but sometimes when they make movies based upon books, the directors (or whatever) tend to drift soooo far away from the original storyline, that it's just not worth watching.
Luckily, this wasn't the case on The Chronicles... and besides they made an AWESOME casting job... William Moseley (Peter Pevensie), Anna Popplewell (Susan Pevensie), Skandar Keynes (Edmund Pevensie), Georgie Henley (Lucy Pevensie), the brilliant Tilda Swinton (The White Witch), and the magnificently cast Liam Neeson (Aslan) did fantastic jobs portraying the beloved characters on The Chronicles...
I think this is the best movie of the year and a best picture nominee for sure. I don't think that it'll win the best picture Oscar though since it's only the first movie in a series of seven. Each book though, unlike the LOTR series, is a completely different story with many different characters. Overall, this movie is a must see and the next six will likely be the same. C.S. Lewis is an amazing story teller in the people behind this production are amazing film producers.
The story is absolutely touching, powerful and really made me choke up several times, and to be honest a few tears were shed last night... it is a beautiful movie and will really leave you with a special vision on life...
So, to add up, I went to see this movie with high hopes and they were met beyond what I expected. Excellent acting, excellent special FX, which actually make me feel proud since the Special FX team on the movie is formed mostly by people from my country, Guatemala (in Central America for those who've never heard of us... LOL), strong and touching story and great talent....
I think we are witnessing the beginning of a BRILLIANT epic series.
Friday, January 13, 2006
You wanna see how one of the best scenes on one of the best movies ever made was hilariously edited??? Click here, and you'll see what I'm talking about...
Best pictures ever...
Hey everybody!!! Friday is finally here and that makes me very happy 'cause I had the most BORING week EVeR... I didn't even leave the house in the entire week. I was so bored that I actually thought of signing in on a chat room! Good thing my common sense came back before i did it...
Now, if you're wondering why the title of this post is BEST PICTURES EVER, I'll tell you. I'm a huge fan of America's Next Top Model, and there's a photoshoot that's not posted on it's oficiall website or anywhere else. They were for a new "Got Milk..." campaign.
So, after days of surfing the web, I finally found 'em. They're all great, but I especially like Christina's, because I was rooting for her on the show and because she was suppossed to be from West India. And I love absolutely everything that has even the slightest thing to do with India, especially Hinduism.
So, these are the Christina's best pictures ever:

Now, if you're wondering why the title of this post is BEST PICTURES EVER, I'll tell you. I'm a huge fan of America's Next Top Model, and there's a photoshoot that's not posted on it's oficiall website or anywhere else. They were for a new "Got Milk..." campaign.
So, after days of surfing the web, I finally found 'em. They're all great, but I especially like Christina's, because I was rooting for her on the show and because she was suppossed to be from West India. And I love absolutely everything that has even the slightest thing to do with India, especially Hinduism.
So, these are the Christina's best pictures ever:

Friday, January 06, 2006
Be the change you want to see in the world.

I went back to my bedroom, turned on the TV (a Gilmore Girls rerun was on) and then I just stared at my closet for like 10 minutes while I decided what to wear. How shallow is that??? I can't keep on living like this. Getting every single thing I want without lifting a finger, worrying more about what I'm gonna wear than my relationship with my dad or college. And I thought to myself that this had to change.
I don't wanna be shallow anymore, I want to focus on the important things: my classes, my friends, my family... I'm gonna stop worrying so much about my clothes, and my cell phone and all the material things I have, things for which I haven't worked a day in my life... and I think that if someone else sees a positive change in me, it'll start a chain reaction and affect other people's lives... that sounds kinda cheesy, but a major change in the world has to start with a single person, right?
So, I'm gonna be the change that I wanna see in the world...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
What the hell am I doin' up???
So, right now it's 11:00 pm... I logged out of my MSN about 10 minutes ago, since Mr. Sandman had visited me... but I just had to get up and go drink water... Mr. Sandman's magic dust or whatever it is, has lost it's effect on me... I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to write about this on my blog... i hope people are reading this... i guess there is no way of knowin'...
Anywho... I'm excited because I'm gonna see my aunt Alis tomorrow... ever since my mom died almost 8 years ago, she has been my rock, my pillar... and my grandfather died on the 23rd of december, so she's feeling kinda blue... and my dad wants me to go see her, so that's good. I'm also excited because I'm gonna have lunch with a very dear friend of mine, with whom I've had some problems lately, and to be honest, I miss him, so that's also good...
I really feel that '06 is shaping up to be a really awesome year... at least I'm gonna do everything I can to make it and awesome year, and with the help of the special people in my life, I know it's gonna be...
It's 11:07 pm right now, Mr. Sandman, the creepy guy that he is, has come and gone again, my eyes are almos shut and now i wonder WHAT THE HELL AM I DOIN' UP????
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
What kind of PIE am I???
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie |
![]() You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet Those who like you have well refined tastes |
Monday, January 02, 2006
These are my New Year's Resolutions:
- Play the violin
- Learn how to keep my rude comments to myself. I've had a lot of problems because of 'em.
- Be more organized.
- I wanna take more pictures. Everybody loves pictures.
- Try to be a better friend.
- Get a job.
- Show my dad how to use everything electronic on the house... AKA DVD player, sound system, VCR, computer, etc.
- Try to get all my Christmas presents before december... I'll never go shopping again on december.
- Start doing better in college.
- And last, but not least, I wanna move out of my dad's house.
Now, I know that '05 wasn't the greatest year to many of us, but it helped me realize a couple of things:
- I definitely LOVE going shopping.
- I need to improve my relationship with my dad.
- I'm good at what I do. Design.
- I need to make new friends. The few I've got are AWESOME and I luv 'em, but I really should get new friends and come out of my oyster.
- I have to be less selfish and shallow.
- And I like big words like GARGANTUAN. lol
First of all, thnx for viewing my blog... Second, i'd like to introduce myself... I'm Daniel, i'm 20 years old and I live in Guatemala. My favorite TV shows are Reunion, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, DH, Commander in Chief, Prison Break, Friends, and a classic: THE NANNY...
This is the first blog i write entirely in english, the other one is in spanish, it's The Journal of a Weird Guy if you understand spanish and want to read it... and since this one is my first entry, i guess i'll just leave it like this until i write something else on both of 'em....
This is the first blog i write entirely in english, the other one is in spanish, it's The Journal of a Weird Guy if you understand spanish and want to read it... and since this one is my first entry, i guess i'll just leave it like this until i write something else on both of 'em....
ok.. see ya...