Best pictures ever...
Hey everybody!!! Friday is finally here and that makes me very happy 'cause I had the most BORING week EVeR... I didn't even leave the house in the entire week. I was so bored that I actually thought of signing in on a chat room! Good thing my common sense came back before i did it...
Now, if you're wondering why the title of this post is BEST PICTURES EVER, I'll tell you. I'm a huge fan of America's Next Top Model, and there's a photoshoot that's not posted on it's oficiall website or anywhere else. They were for a new "Got Milk..." campaign.
So, after days of surfing the web, I finally found 'em. They're all great, but I especially like Christina's, because I was rooting for her on the show and because she was suppossed to be from West India. And I love absolutely everything that has even the slightest thing to do with India, especially Hinduism.
So, these are the Christina's best pictures ever:

Now, if you're wondering why the title of this post is BEST PICTURES EVER, I'll tell you. I'm a huge fan of America's Next Top Model, and there's a photoshoot that's not posted on it's oficiall website or anywhere else. They were for a new "Got Milk..." campaign.
So, after days of surfing the web, I finally found 'em. They're all great, but I especially like Christina's, because I was rooting for her on the show and because she was suppossed to be from West India. And I love absolutely everything that has even the slightest thing to do with India, especially Hinduism.
So, these are the Christina's best pictures ever:

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