This Isn't What It Looks Like...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Incoherent Rambling

I've spent my whole life trying NOT to become my father... and I think I've done well so far... I don't even know why I began this post saying that, but it's just another one of my endless ramblings... let's see:

ram·ble (răm'bəl)
intr.v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
  1. To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth.
  2. To speak or write at length and with many digressions.
So I guess that instead of saying "ramblings", I could've said "...another one of my endless writings at length and with many digressions." but something tells me that wouldn't have been funny... after all, I'm not always a funny guy, sometimes I can really piss people off... like this one time ("at band camp..." lol) I was in the middle of an Advertising midterm at college and given that I have a great relationship with the professor, I was asking her all the answers throughout the entire test until the point where she said: "You know what? Give it back! I'll give you an A+ if you just shut up and leave!" and she had this crazy look on her eyes.

But if we're gonna talk about "crazy eyes", I should mention my cousin whenever I tell her I bought something... a dialogue with her would go a little like this:

ME: "Hey! Guess what I bought?"
: "Oh my God! (gesture of hand touching forehead)" "What?"

: "A new pair of _______." (It's usually shoes, ha!)

: "Really? How much did they cost?"

: "Q.400."

: "Sure! You can do that! You don't have a family to support, so you can just throw all the money to the toilet!"

: "Well, you don't have a family either... what's up with THAT???!"

: "But at least I EARN my money... yadda-yadda-yadda... blah-blah-blah-blah-blah..."

She's also really good at endless talks at length and with many digressions, oops, I mean, ramblings. Not as good as me though. And I wanna clear up to any non-Guatemalan people, the Q. on the price of what I bought, stands for "Quetzales", which is the currency here in Guatemala. And Q.400 are about US$51, so I don't think it's that much, but apparently, I'll realize how much it is when I "have a family to support."

And speaking of "families to support", my nephew, who's just 2 months older than me, is getting married in a month. Can you believe it? 20 years old, and he'll be married in a month, and a few months later, the baby will come.

Erick and Sandy sitting in a tree...

First came the baby

Then came marriage

Then came MY SISTER with a baby carriage.

Yeah, right! Like my sister would take care of her grandchild. She would, sometimes, but then she'd say: "It's your problem, dude! YOU deal with it!!!" I hope it's a girl. We need another girl in the family, we're mostly males. Which is good also, I guess. Anyway, what I DON'T have to guess, is what I'll be doing tomorrow... I have a dentist appointment.

In a couple of weeks, or even days, I'm gonna have my braces. I'm a little scared about them, cuz I've heard they hurt like a bitch, but I guess I'm gonna have to deal with it. And speaking of bitches.... ha! there's someone I know that would fit right in after "bitches", but I'm not gonna ramble about her today...

Mood: Happy!!!
Soundtrack: "Maneater" - Nelly Furtado

Have a good one... I'm done!

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