Traitor or Facilitator???

I'm sure that by now, all of you have heard about the Gospel of Judas... through the National Geographic special, or the book, or the book about the book, or through tv or emails or any way of information in the world... if you haven't, you're most likely from out of the world...
Gnosticism says that Jesus saved all of us, not through his death on the cross, as most christians believe, but by the secret knowledge he told only to some of his disciples like Thomas, Judas or Mary Magdalene. This knowledge is known as gnosis. The gospels of Thomas, Judas and Mary Magdalene are known as the Gnostic gospels. They're obviously not part of the Bible. The known gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are known as the Pauline gospels.
According to gnosticism, there's an evil god, not God himself, who created an evil world to function as a prison for the souls. Souls aren't from this world, but from heaven. Jesus was sent by God to show us how to go back. That is the secret knowledge, or gnosis. The catholic church recognized the Pauline Gospels as the only true gospels... and said that the Gnostic gospels weren't just wrong, they were also MADE UP!
Now, there are 4 gospels on the Bible. On all 4 of them, Judas is a traitor. But what would happen if there was another gospel? What would happen if the most hated and cursed traitor in history was just misunderstood? Interesting, isn't it?
According to this Gospel, Judas was Jesus' true disciple, not the other eleven. He had a special relationship with Jesus. Jesus took Judas aside and told him the real truth about everything. Things he wouldn't tell the others. The Gospel says that Jesus asked Judas to turn him in, so that He would be released from his "physical prison". Jesus tells Judas that he would be cursed and hated by everyone. All this is really interesting -- but what exactly did Jesus tell him besides this? What was the "real truth" about everything?
If the death of Jesus was part of God's plan, then Judas' betrayal was also a part of the plan. So what does that make Judas? A traitor? Or an extremely important part of the plan as the facilitator of salvation? Sure, if it all happened, then the crucifixion wasn't the best way to do it, but it had to be done somehow, didn't it?
At this point, religion doesn't mean that much to me... I'm not really a religious person, but this Gospel is deeply troubling, and it makes me question a lot of things. Has the Vatican or the Catholic Church been hiding some deep, dark secrets??? And I'm not just talking about their more recent obscure doings in our own lifetime, which we all know about now, but way back to the very beggining of the Catholic Church.
These Church secrets have made Elaine Pagels (The Gnostic Gospels Scholar), and Dan Brown (Author of The DaVinci Code) very rich people. And THAT is what makes this gospel so appealing, at least to me...
Why do people believe so blindly what the Bible, or any other book for that matter, says??? What's gonna happen to the Church or religion now that this gospel is out in the open? I think we're headed to a huge religious dilemma, and we're gonna be listening stuff like "Is it true?" "Were they lying to me?" "Did any of this really happen?" for a long time... and it's gonna completely rock the church's world...
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