I don't care...

I could care less what you look like... I don't care what you do for fun, whether you're gay, straight or bi, whether you eat meat or smoke pot... I don't care if you go to the gym, or church, I don't care what you believe in, God, Brahman, Allah... I don't care what tv shows you watch, what music you listen to, or which was the last movie you saw... I don't care if you're single, married or just fucking around...
I don't care where you live, who's your girlfriend or boyfriend, or who your friends are... I don't care if you get drunk every day that ends in a Y, if you've killed someone, or if you go to school... I don't care what you do for a living, what you eat, or who you fuck with... I don't care about your hobbies, I don't care about your house, or the car you drive...
I don't care who your family is, I don't care if you have money and I don't care if you like me or not...
Do you rescue stray puppies and feed them with your own money??? That's nice... but I DON'T CARE...
To sum up, I don't give a fuck about you, and I KNOW you don't give a fuck about me... we don't even know each other, so why should we care??? No one gives a fuck about us... no one even notices we exist. Probably when we die, someone will remember we walked the earth...
But you should know someone does care about you, and about me... someone out there thinks of you, and someone out there thinks of me, and they both smile when they think about us... you're not alone... and I'm not alone... but still, I don't care...
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