My life's hunt

My name is Edward Johnston, I'm a professor of History at Yale University. Many years ago I came across something historical that really caught my eye... the Udjat.
I spent many years searching for this elusive amulet which is said to be the key to the answer to many of the world's greatest misteries. I still don't know if it holds any true power.
I can't believe what I have right in front of my eyes... after years of non-stop search and investigation, the single object that defined my life's purpose was right in front of me, the Udjat, the ultimate symbol of divinity.
I had traveled the entire world to find it... I made many enemies over the years... just to find a small object. A small object that has been the obssession of many for decades or even centuries.
After being chased down by assasins in Egypt and Opus Dei agents in New York, I had finally found it... It's mine and no one will ever take it away from me...
They say a curse falls on the person that steals this amulet... either a curse that stays with the person until the moment they die, or it comes as a quick death, very much like the Black Death... one minute you were perfectly fine. Then the coughing began, the massive headache... and then death... It's a good thing I don't believe in that crap...
I'm sitting in my favorite chair on my living room, it's a cold night but I already lit up a fire, I'm listening to Beethoven's Third Symphony... usually I'm out cold by the third movement... I'm looking at my new treasure and I still can't believe it... finally this old man will get some rest...
In his living room, sitting on his favorite chair, the warmth of the fire touching his face, he began to feel an inexplicable numbness creep over him.
As he sat ther, he began to cough...
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