Writing is a new found hobbie for me... never thought I'd enjoy writing as much as I do. Have you ever had one of those days when (for those writing aficionados) when you're dying to write something but you just don't know what to write...
Well, today's been one of those days for me... the game I wanted to play with you hasn't been exactly successful, and that's ok, but I thought that would keep me occupied for a while... anyway, this is the point where I start rambling about my life...
First things first, I'm reading "Timeline" by Michal Crichton for the 1000th time, I practically can recite it from memory, but I don't care... it never gets old. Last wednesday, I got to see "The DaVinci Code", and I was satisfied. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, one word for all of you: "Go." They really stuck to the book for the dialogues and plot, sometimes it seemed like the movie was being rushed, and they changed some really minor details, but all in all, it was an AWESOME movie.
Now, I live in Guatemala... (a small and boring country on Central America), and one of my hobbies is watching TV. The best shows, or at least the ones I like, start their seasons here when in the US and other countries, it's already on the middle of it. I don't know if any of you watches or watched the show Invasion, but here, the season finale is in 2 weeks. Given that I loooooooove that show, I went on to IMDB to check out what it said about the show. Apparently, it's being cancelled, so if any of you could share any information regarding this, I'd appreciate it. Anyway, like I said, I don't know what to write, so I guess I'm gonna go... hope to hear from you soon! (",)
Have a good one... I'm out!
I always knew there had to be something wrong with me... I'm thirty something, single, and I spend most of my time reading books... I am what most of you would call a "geek"...I've always been labeled that way, and I'm perfectly fine with it... but people don't really know me...
I have a secret. A secret so dark that it could make a lot of people mad... so far away that I'd never hear from them again in my life...
And I think it's time I tell it to the world... It was 18 years ago... I was young and scared... he was 10 older than me and he promised me the world... looking back, I think I could've loved him. But of course, I was a young, stupid girl amazed at this 27-year-old Harvard lawyer...
One night, we went to a party... I had to lie to my parents and sneak out of my house to meet him... when we got there, the booze started flowing and the drugs started coming up... that was my first time drinking and obviously I got drunk... we went up to a bedroom on the 2nd floor and we did what everyone does at a party while being drunk...
The hit came 2 weeks later... I was pregnant. I called my best friend and she gave me this card from a clinic... I went there and I had an abortion. I haven't told this to anyone ever... Seven years later, I met another man... we were great together, he asked me to marry him... and I did. A year later, we decided it was time to start a family... after a long time trying unsuccessfully for a year, I went to a doctor to find out what was going on... It turns out, when I had the abortion something went wrong... and whatever it was, it made barren permanently.
I had to tell my husband about this. He left me a month later. I haven't been with anyone since... Looking back, now I realize having that abortion was a mistake. A huge mistake... even if that guy didn't step up to the challenge of being a father, I would've... they told me it was a girl. She'd be 18 by now...
My life's hunt

My name is Edward Johnston, I'm a professor of History at Yale University. Many years ago I came across something historical that really caught my eye... the Udjat.
I spent many years searching for this elusive amulet which is said to be the key to the answer to many of the world's greatest misteries. I still don't know if it holds any true power.
I can't believe what I have right in front of my eyes... after years of non-stop search and investigation, the single object that defined my life's purpose was right in front of me, the Udjat, the ultimate symbol of divinity.
I had traveled the entire world to find it... I made many enemies over the years... just to find a small object. A small object that has been the obssession of many for decades or even centuries.
After being chased down by assasins in Egypt and Opus Dei agents in New York, I had finally found it... It's mine and no one will ever take it away from me...
They say a curse falls on the person that steals this amulet... either a curse that stays with the person until the moment they die, or it comes as a quick death, very much like the Black Death... one minute you were perfectly fine. Then the coughing began, the massive headache... and then death... It's a good thing I don't believe in that crap...
I'm sitting in my favorite chair on my living room, it's a cold night but I already lit up a fire, I'm listening to Beethoven's Third Symphony... usually I'm out cold by the third movement... I'm looking at my new treasure and I still can't believe it... finally this old man will get some rest...
In his living room, sitting on his favorite chair, the warmth of the fire touching his face, he began to feel an inexplicable numbness creep over him.
As he sat ther, he began to cough...
You cry... you learn...
"I did it..." she thinks to herself as she remembers the shouting, the hits she got, the begging for mercy and the thud of the blow that took that bastard's life..."I did it... I killed my father..."
For years she took all the abuse from him the best she could... she remembers how as a child she used to cry herself to sleep, the shouts coming from the kitchen... her mother crying with a black eye in the bathroom floor in the middle of the night, sometimes a trickle of blood running down from her lip...
"Enough!" she thought that night... She planned the whole thing. How she'd wait for him in his apartment, how she'd confront him the second he waltzed it and how she would kill him and dispose of the body afterwards...
Stab him... shoot him... slit his throat... Too messy... too much noise... Maybe she didn't have to kill him... maybe she could just give him a scare and drive him out of her life for good... No... this has to stop tonight! But she just HAD to get him out of her life and out of everyone else's...
8:30... he'll be home soon... She left her one bedroom and poorly kept apartment with a golf club in her hand. I think this'll do the trick... It was supposed to be quick... Wait for him: Why the fuck did you do that to me??? To mom??? Face him, tell him how the wounds would never heal until she did what she went there to do... Get rid of the son of a bitch... for good.
It was all going according to plan... she got there at around 9:10 in the night... Apartment 12B on the Astoria Heights Apartment Building, or as she called it the shithole where the bastard lives...
She was sitting in the dark when, around 9:30, someone came in... as she saw the black shape of the man that hurt her so much when she was a child, she was filled with rage, anger, and an insatiable need to just get it over with without doing anything else... the man never knew what hit him... he was gone after the first blow of the golf club to the back of his head... she kept on hitting him until her palms started bleeding and her arms were sore with exhaustion...
Then she left...
I did it... I killed the bastard...
The next day began as any other day... she woke up, turned on her cellphone, went to get the coffee started and it was off to take a shower for a long day at work...
She was getting dressed when she heard it... "Local police officers found a man beaten to death at the Astoria Heights Apartment Building..." This is it... my fifteen minutes of fame! "The man has been identified as George Berkley and he was the superintendent of the building... he went to check the apartment where he was found after one of the tennants called him and told him she smelled gas coming from the apartment next door" Wait a minute... the bastard's name wasn't George... and I'm sure as hell I'm NOT a Berkley... Shit!